Avery Abroad

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5 days in Cuba for under $1300

Flights: $300-$400

Airbnb: $78 per night x 5

Viñales tour all day: $90-$110 per person

Transport to and from the airport: $60

Soroa-Half Day Tour: $50 per person

Food Tour: $40

Food/Souvenirs/Tipping: ~$400 can be less depending on if you want to eat street food or in nicer restaurants and depending on if you want a box of cigars which could cost around $150 for a decent brand.


* Download the maps.me app before arriving in Cuba it is a lifesaver that allows you to find your destination even when your phone is offline!

*Bring all of the cash you need + more your debit/credit cards will not accept US cards

*Exchange your US dollars for Euros before arriving in Cuba or buy Euros from your bank for a better exchange rate

*They use two different currencies one for locals (CUP) and one of tourist (CUC)

*Buy a bunch of bottled water *Cuba is extremely hot and humid* you will get thirsty!

*Check and make sure your airline ticket includes a visa

*Lastly I suggest making an itinerary and writing down all important information as WIFI is very limited down there.

Day 1 (Mostly Travel)

After intense googling and research my friend Alex and I were able to find our way to Cuba for a long weekend filled with culture and new experiences. Stepping off the plane you will feel like you stepped back into time. With plenty of taxis and classic cars to take you into downtown Havana hop on in and get your first feel of Cuban life.

Cost-$15 per person for a Taxi

Settle in to your Airbnb and get ready to explore Havana! Walk around central Havana to familiarize yourself with the area for the next few days (you’ll be walking a lot ).

Head over to dinner at La Guardia one of the more famous restaurants in Havana for a delicious first meal. Sip on a Mojito and enjoy some of the Ropa Vieja (shredded beef) a Cuban speciality.

Cost-$30-40 per person

Total cost for the day-~$55

Day 2

I suggest doing a Free Walking Tour of either central or old Havana. We chose central since thats where we were staying and had a food tour scheduled for old Havana later on in the trip. These tours typically go from 9am-1230pm and show you a side of Havana you normally wouldn’t see and give you information about the country from a locals perspective.

I would HIGHLY recommend “Free Walking Tours of Havana” (https://freewalkingtourhavana.com/) While the tour is free we were so happy with our guide we tipped her about $15-20 each. This tour teaches you about the history of Cuba, shows you how locals live, and takes you to places you wouldn't normally find on your own.

Cost-$10-20 per person depending on how much you want to tip

You will definitely need a nap after walking round for 4 hours so grab a quick lunch and rest up before dinner and drinks.

We headed to El Shamuskiao-308 Muralla a tiny tiny restaurant with delicious and cheap (think $1) mojitos. We didn’t end up eating here but the food looked AMAZING!

We headed to another restaurant called Azucar which was more of a lounge and bar. The food was decent but nothing extra special. But we sat outside and looked over the square to people watch.

Cost-$6 for drinks for 2 people (2 mojitos and 2 bottles of water). Dinner was about $10 per person

Alex and I were grandmas so by the time we had a few drinks and were well fed we found our way back and went to sleep. Rest up, as you have an early day tomorrow with an all day tour to Vinales.

Total cost for the day-~$36

Day 3

Get picked up in a classic car and head out for the 3 hour journey to Vinales or tobacco country. We decided to do an Airbnb experience which included a tobacco farm, horseback riding, lunch, visiting a cave, and a giant mural. It was great because everything was included so we didn’t have to worry about any extra costs!

The tobacco farm we visited was amazing! It was a family owned farm passed down through generations and not only do they grow their own tobacco for cigars, they harvest honey and having delicious guava rum. Lunch was in a traditional Paladar restaurant (this means it was in someone’s home and not a state owned restaurant—aka the food was a lot better). We were treated to a buffet before heading off to explore one of Cuba’s most famous caves and murals.

You’ll head back to Havana around 3 which will give you enough time to rest up for dinner.

Cost-$95 for the all-day tour, we tipped about $15 each. Cigars will cost about $100-$150 they also sell rum and honey on the tour

For dinner, I recommend El Frente. With a cool atmosphere and plentiful drink menu, you will be happy you picked this place for dinner. As a taco expert, I was nervous at first to try their tacos but they definitely competed with any and all tacos I have in LA.
Cost-$20 per person for dinner and drinks

Total cost for the day-$130

Day 4

On Day 4 we had another early morning to Sorao. Sorao is a small area less than 2 hours away from Havana. In Sorao they have an amazing waterfall a botanical garden. This area is known for its eco-tourism and hiking. We did not go hiking but I’m sure there are plenty of great hiking spots. I recommend renting a driver/guide to take you around as not a lot of public transit travels to this area.

Cost-$50 per person for transportation to all places in Sorao

After heading back to Havana around lunch time we stumbled into the strangest restaurant called Ivan Chef Justo. Recommended to us by our http://maps.me app. The food was a bit expensive and was pretty lack luster but we were so hungry we didn’t even care. We got an appetizer and then a small entree.

Cost-$10-15 per person

We headed to the Ibreostar hotel in attempt to use the pool/wifi/and get drinks. We had been told by a friend that they let you use their pool (turns out thats no longer the case). But. We were happy to connect with the outside world for a little bit and let everyone know we were still alive.

Cost-$10 for 2 mojitos and then $10 for WIFI for 2 people for an hour each.
After resting up when headed to Castropol where we had the most amazing seafood and drinks and the vista couldn’t be better. Arriving right before the sunset I HIGHLY recommend getting their early so you can have an outdoor table. I had garlic lobster and it was incredible.

Cost-$20-30 per person for dinner and drinks

You cannot go to Havana and not go to the Fabrica de Arte Cubano. This part art gallery part club part performance space features multiple bars and food stalls. Open from Thursday-Sunday this warehouse type spaces combines all types of art and then as the sunsets it becomes a night club open until the wee hours of the night. While we didn’t make it past 11pm the place certainly started filling up and there was a line about a mile long when we left. They also have a restaurant that I can't speak to but it looked crowded!

Cost-$2 per person to get in and then around $4 for mojitos and $2 for beers. $5-10 for a taxi

Total cost for the day- ~$130-$150

Day 5

I cannot cannot cannot recommend doing a food tour of old Havana enough! We had a great tour through Airbnb experiences where we tried local street food everything from desserts to juices and learned about how real Cubans live their daily lives. You won’t need lunch after this tour trust me! Food tour here: https://bit.ly/2PMQMJh

Cost-$40 per person for the food tour, but all food is included in the price

You will definitely need some time to relax after the past few days. Take the bus over to Santa Maria Beach for a relaxing afternoon near the water. They have 1 bar before the beach and then you can rent various activities on the beach.

Cost-$5 round trip per person for the bus to the beach

**Tip: make sure to get on the bus before the last one at 6pm, we witnessed the buses filling up quickly and them turning people away. You wouldn’t want to end up stuck or having to pay for an expensive taxi back

Up for a nicer dinner after relaxing on the beach? Head to Paladar San Cristobal for dinner where President Obama ate during his visit to Cuba! Order a cheese and meat plate to start, and obviously some mojitos! For dinner I recommend getting a steak, your waiter can point you in the right direction if you want what the Obama’s ate.

Cost-$20-25 per person

Total cost for the day-$65

Day 5.5/6-Half Day

This day will be your travel day but book a late afternoon flight so you have some time to visit the local art museum. The Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes de La Habana is a wonderful museum with all times of art ranging from the 17th century painting to modern day photography and sculpture.

Cost-$5 per person for entry

Depending on if you leave with anyone of not a taxi will again cost $30 back to the airport

Half day cost $35

5 Day total cost- +/- $1266

Have you been to Cuba? Let me know your favorite places in the comments below!