Avery Abroad

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My 1 Year Di-Aversey (Diabetes anniversary)

While this is a travel blog I can’t talk about travel without talking about the rest of my life as well. 

Friday Night 8pm, January 12th, 2018 

At this time last year I was admitted to the hospital after 3 weeks of a fever and lounging on the couch. Not getting any better my boyfriend suggested we go to urgent care. Having a combination of nausea, lack of appetite and back pain they sent me straight to the ER.  

After hours in the waiting room, an IV of fluids, and an ultrasound they discovered I had pyelonephritis or a double kidney infection. At that point they admitted me to stay overnight. Why was this all happening to me? I thought I just had the flu….ugh…

Saturday, January 13th 2018

My mom arrived, THANK GOD my boyfriend called her and helped get her here because I couldn’t have gotten through all this without her. The next two days were spent dozing in and out of sleep while nurses woke me up every 2 hours blood sugar checks (nothing like getting your fingers pricked on 3 hours of sleep). When they realized my blood sugar wasn’t decreasing (due to the infection) they started me on  insulin shots. The next two days I would be pumped full of different amounts of insulin throughout the day to see if they could bring down my sugar levels. With an A1c of 9.5% (normal, non-diabetics range from 4-5%) it was their goal to get my sugars down as fast as possible. 

Sunday, January 14th, 2018 

Another day of IVs, blood sugar checks, small naps, and football. I was able to stay awake long enough to watch a Steelers game but man was I tired and bored. By this time the nurses started leaving me alone more (TG TG) and I could finally muster up the energy to walk about a bit and even go to the bathroom (on my own nonetheless!). With 3 other people crammed into my hospital rumor my mom was determined to get me out of there. 

Monday, January 15th 2018 

Finally I was allowed to leave, after much convincing of my mother, they let me go. Before I left I had to complete a diabetes education program where a lady came in and explained how “having Type 2” works. Basically how many carbs I could eat, how I should do simple exercise such as “walking my dog” “doing laundry” it was ridiculous!  I was lucky enough to get an appointment with some of the best doctors in Los Angles. Fast forward to February and I was diagnosed with MODY 5 neither Type 1 nor Type 2. There are 10 cases of MODY 5 registered in the USA today. My goal with this article is to help anyone else out there going through things that no matter how alone you feel, you are not alone, trust me.

First international trip 4 months after being diagnosed!

But why am I writing a blog post about this, why on a travel blog would anyone care about my diabetes? Well plain and simple my first thought when I was diagnosed was “How am I gonna travel” well let me tell you: Diabetes is not a death sentence..just remember “it doesn’t change what you do, just how you do it”.  Below are some of the products I’ve found are SUPER helpful for traveling with diabetes. Don’t let diabetes stop you from doing what you want (including staying in a super remote tree house in Bali) 

FRIO Individual Insulin wallet-for $18 this small cooling wallet is perfect for sleek and small storage. To use this all you need is water and the insulin stays cool for days. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0002262BC?ref_=pe_2640190_255746880_404_E_DDE_dt_1&th=1 . It comes in a variety of colors and sizes. 

See this Amazon product in the original post

Another Insulin Cooler is the VIVI CAP-This device screws on and replaces the lid of your insulin pen. It will keep your insulin between a safe temperature for a minimum of 12 hours even in constant heat of 100 degrees F. This cap lasts for 365 days with no maintenance, no refrigeration and no battery. They off both a winter version and a summer version.  https://www.amazon.com/Reusable-Winter-Insulin-Warmer-VIVI/dp/B0772STMVS/ref=sr_1_1_a_it?ie=UTF8&qid=1547609580&sr=8-1&keywords=vivi+cap

See this Amazon product in the original post

Dexcom G6-Depending on what type of diabetes you have I HIGHLY recommend the Dexcom G6. Say goodbye to daily finger pricks. This 10 day sensor is perfect for the active traveler. With a separate device that allows you to check your blood sugar every 5 minutes and prepare for potential lows and remedy any highs. You can also connect it to your phone which may or may not be your best option if traveling 

A cute carrying case such as this one from Society 6: https://society6.com/product/but-first-insulin-island-paradise_carry-all-pouch?sku=s6-7312465p51a67v445

Keeping your meter, medications and even back up glucose tablets/juice in this carrying case will make traveling a breeze (trust me).

Glucose tablets/Juices-Used to raise your blood sugar in a pinch these are definitely a must for traveling: https://www.target.com/p/dex4-174-berry-twist-glucose-liquid-2-0-oz/-/A-10992106

See this Amazon product in the original post

While this past year has been tough, I wouldn’t change it for the world. I learned a lot about myself and dealing with less than perfect circumstances. I also learned the true meaning of support and how surrounding yourself with the best of people is the most important thing. What are your go to supplies when traveling with diabetes?

*I do receive a small commission if you decide to buy any of these items.