Avery Abroad

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Take Travel Instagram Photos Like a Pro

Research, Research Research

Using tools such as Pinterest, Google, and Instagram will help you find all of the great locations you may what to snag a photo during your vacation. This will also show you how popular the attraction is and warn you if there may be a lot of people there.

Travel during the low or offseason.

I cannot stress this enough! The key to getting that Instagram-worthy shot is to have the place to yourself. Not only will airfare and hotels be cheaper during this time there will be fewer people meaning more opportunities for the perfect gram.

Use a camera

Sure smartphones capture great images but they still don’t compare to a DSLR, the multitude of settings will allow you to create beautiful and more customized shots. Especially for nighttime photography I HIGHLY recommend using a DSLR. If a DSLR is too bulky I would recommend a mirrorless camera. The Fuji XtT30 is one of the smallest, most compact cameras I’ve ever seen. And tbh it takes high quality image perfect for sharing on social or a blog!

Auckland, New Zealand

Know your camera

Before you go practice taking shots in your own city. Completely new to photography? That’s alright, sign up for a local class or watch videos on how to maximize your camera. Nothing worse than getting to a country with a new camera and not being able to use it. For the more advanced photographer, I would recommend the Nikon D7100.

Get up early (or at least make it to sunset!)

I know, I know, I know, I’m on vacation why would I wake up early. Again fewer people and some of the most incredible light. While in Bali my boyfriend and I woke up for a photography tour around 4 am and yes we groaned for a while and needed a long nap after, but looking back now those are some of my FAVORITE photos from our trip.

Try a photography tour

If you are a photography nerd like myself try to find a photography-specific tour wherever you go. A lot of times I get in a rut and don’t want to carry around my DSLR because I’m worried about taking it out. Using Airbnb experiences or simply researching photography tours in the city you are going to is a great way to interact with locals while getting some amazing pictures out of it as well. During a tour like this, your guide will likely take you to the non-touristy spots and teach you more about the local history and culture while sharing tips and tricks for getting the most out of your camera! Grab a lens that’s between 18-200mm for shoots a variety of subject matters such as this one from Nikon. 

Try different angles.

Everyone has seen *insert famous landmark here*. It’s up to the photographer to help provide an interesting spin on it. An unexpected and unique perspective can be the difference between a good photo and a remarkable one. Don’t forget to look up sometimes the most interesting subject matters are above us or even behind us!


Yes you will want to snap the typical tourist shots but some of the best shots are found in the nooks and crannies of a city. Don’t forget to ask people if you can take their photos, the worst that can happen is they say no and you move on. 

Invest in a wide aperture lens

Specifically for food photography and any small details. A wide aperture creates a shallow depth of field which means that only a tiny bit of your image will be in focus for example a cocktail on a ledge etc. All iPhones are fixed with a wide aperture (the best way to do these types of shots is with portrait mode!). I personally use a Nikon 50MM lens with a 1.8f stop.

Below is an example of an Iphone image on the left and a DSLR image on the right.

Grab a Olloclip!

Don’t want to take your camera out or can’t commit to buying a DSLR. There are plenty of options for iPhones including the Olloclip. These little lens clip onto your phone and allow you more creative freedom.

Buy a camera bag or purse.

I use the one below from Lo and Sons. Trust me if you don’t have a camera bag you like you will not take your camera out and shoot while you are on your trip. I like this one because you can’t even tell its a camera bag and it includes a memory card slot and a fabric divider perfect for carrying a space lens and all your other necessities.

Don’t stop traveling and don’t stop shooting.

If you truly want amazing photos you must always practice practice practice. Shooting all the time will give you the confidence you need to take the perfect ‘gram and to eventually experiment with new techniques

What are your favorite places to shoot?

Shooting in the country side of Bali

*I do not receive any financial compensation from these products. These are products I use every time I travel.